
Initial Massage | Masaje Inicial

90 minutes: $70

Your first appointment is 90-minutes with at least 15-minutes to review your health goals and needs.

Su primera cita es de 90 minutos con al menos 15 minutos para revisar sus objetivos y necesidades de salud.

Follow-Up Massage | Masaje

60 minutes: $70
90 minutes: $90

I use a combination of Swedish and Deep Tissue Massage. I usually focus on two or three regions of the body. I recommend a 90-minute session if you want a full body massage. Your first appointment is 90-minutes with at least 15-minutes to review your health goals and needs.

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable.

Cupping Therapy uses negative pressure by lifting the tissue and fascia using durable plastic suction cups.  This process increases circulation, helps break areas of chronic tightness and aids your system’s ability to eliminate toxins and move stagnant blood from the body.  This is a great tool for those who enjoy the benefits of Deep Tissue massage.

Yo uso una combinación de masaje sueco y de tejido profundo. Normalmente me concentro en dos o tres regiones del cuerpo. Recomiendo una sesión de 90 minutos si quieres un masaje de cuerpo completo. Su primera cita dura 90 minutos con al menos 15 minutos para revisar sus objetivos y necesidades de salud.

El masaje Sueco es muy relajante y terapéutico. Este tipo de masaje combina aceites o lociones con una variedad de técnicas que ayudan a mejorar la circulación. Los beneficios de este masaje son muy variados e incluyen alivio de dolores, disminución de los niveles de estrés en el cuerpo, mayor claridad mental, mejor apariencia y flexibilidad.

El masaje de Tejido Profundo es una forma de trabajo corporal que tiene como objetivo aliviar la tensión en las capas más profundas de tejido del cuerpo. El masaje de tejido profundo es un método altamente efectivo para liberar áreas de estrés crónico debido a falta de alineación corporal, movimientos repetitivos y lesiones crónicas. La comunicación abierta con el terapeuta durante la sesión es crucial para lograr los mejores resultados y comodidad.

Massage Consultation | Coaching

45 minutes: $30

Your first appointment includes a free 15 minute intake conversation.

Wellness Coaching: 

  • The session(s) help you process thoughts and emotions, clarify your goal and what you want to achieve, set a timeline, create ways to keep yourself accountable, identify ways to measure and celebrate your achievements. 
  • Goals can be any topic: health, caregiving, time management, organization, manage stress/anxiety


  • Address specific issue/pain
  • Demonstrate ways to work the muscle on yourself or with a partner
  • Instruction on other methods that can be done at home to help relieve stress and muscle tension (mindfulness, hydrotherapy, castor oil packs, stretching)

Consulta de Masaje|Salud Mental

45 minutes: $30
La primera consulta incluye un diagnóstico gratis de 15 minutos.
Consulta de Auto Masaje Guiada
  • Explicación del músculo o sistema corporal
  • Estiramientos o ejercicios
  • Como usar aceite de ricino topicamente, hidroterapia, aromaterapia

Consulta de Apoyo para Salud Mental

  • Meditaciones o visualizaciones guiadas
  • Ejercicios de respiración guida

Home visit

For special circumstances, I offer in-home massage treatment. Please call me to discuss your needs. For a small fee, I will travel to client homes up to 15 miles from my home or office.

Skin Care | Consulta de Piel

Alywillow products are unlike any skin care product you have ever known. Made from 100% plants, Alywillow products do not have synthetic chemicals. I have completed extensive training on Alywillow products. During your private consultation, I will help you choose the right products for your skin/hair type and goals and help you learn how to use the products.


Los productos Alywillow no se parecen a ningún otro producto para el cuidado de la piel que haya conocido. Hechos 100% de plantas, los productos Alywillow no tienen productos químicos sintéticos. He completado una amplia entrenamiento de los productos Alywillow. Durante su consulta privada, lo ayudaré a elegir los productos adecuados para su tipo de piel / cabello y sus objetivos, y lo ayudaré a aprender a usar los productos.